Alert Neighbors is a free program provided to engage neighborhoods in discussions about crime and public safety. The program instills effective collaboration and communication within neighborhoods to prevent crime and fulfill participant’s needs of security. In 2015, 957 community members were impacted with Alert Neighbors training and 58 were trained to be leaders in the community with Block Captain/Coordinator training. Decreased incidents of crime that have an otherwise negative economic impact on society are reported in neighborhoods which participate in this program. In addition, the sense of community formed by the program frequently serves as a catalyst for neighborhoods to thrive and invest in additional positive outcomes.

In each neighborhood,
we work to: 

  • Increase crime reporting.
  • Improve cooperation with law enforcement.
  • Address community concerns.
  • Educate the public on current crime trends, scams, frauds and methods of prevention and resolution.
  • Reduce neighborhood crime and the opportunity for crime to occur when neighbors work together.

A cohesive neighborhood deters crime.

A fragmented neighborhood is an easier target for crime. The Alert Neighbors program teaches residents how to secure their homes, how to be safer in their homes and on the street, and what to look for and how to report that which is suspicious. The Alert Neighbors program promotes improved communication among neighbors about problems and solutions and fosters improved relations between law enforcement and the community.

Why an Alert Neighbors program?
Because it works!

Decreased burglaries and related offenses are reported by law enforcement. We are a transient society with more working families and busier lifestyles. This means homes are left empty during all hours of the day and night. This creates a target for criminal activities. An active Alert Neighbor program builds community. It often serves as a springboard for addressing other neighborhood concerns.

Who can be involved?

Any community resident! Renters or homeowners; apartments; city or rural neighborhoods; schools; businesses – anybody interested in keeping their families safe and secure.

Ready to join a meeting?

Register for an upcoming meeting

Online contact and registration forms from Wufoo.

Find out your neighborhood’s Tulsa Police Division:

Citizens Alert Patrol (CAP)

In 1994 Tulsa Crime Stoppers expanded the Alert Neighbors Program by creating the Citizens Alert Patrol (CAP). This moved the Alert Neighbor program to a new level. Citizens in their vehicle, on bikes and on foot patrolling the neighborhood being the eyes and ears of law enforcement.

Citizens Alert Patrol Requirements

  • We require each neighborhood to be or in the process of being an active Alert Neighbors neighborhood.
  • We require each patroller to pass a background investigation and complete three hours of training.
  • We require that patrollers report any incidents to the Patrol Captain and the Crime Prevention Network.
  • We require that all persons involved in the program be dedicated to protecting their neighborhood and working well with the police.

CAP Training 

Purpose of the Citizens
Alert Patrol Program
Legal aspects of the
Citizens Alert Patrol
Recognizing criminal offenses, Developing
Observation skills, Identifying suspects, Taking notes
Developing Neighborhood
Patrol Strategies


Observe any unusual or suspicious activities. Report these activities to the police. Record these activities for the Patrol Captain and Tulsa Crime Stoppers.

Citizen Alert Patrol training is offered 2 – 3 times per year depending upon demand. Check our Calendar or call us at 918-585-5209 to find out about the next scheduled training.


 Tulsa Crime Stoppers is a program of 501c3 nonprofit, Crime Prevention Network, Inc. Through the generous support of individuals, communities, corporations and foundations, we remain Tulsa’s leading public safety non-profit since 1971.  Your gift helps us ensure a safe and successful future for all ages of Tulsa’s community.