Tulsa Crime Stoppers is a program of the Crime Prevention Network Inc. The Crime Prevention Network is Tulsa’s only non-profit solely dedicated to public safety. Since 1971, the Crime Prevention Network has remained committed to its mission to provide valuable crime prevention education and safety awareness services to residents and public safety providers in the greater Tulsa area.
Crime Prevention Network will pay a cash reward up to $1,500 for information which results in the arrest of fugitives and/or individuals responsible for committing felony crimes.
Call 918-596-2677 or click the button below. All tipsters remain anonymous.
Felony arrests
Rewards approved
Residents trained in crime prevention
It’s time to tee up to fight crime! This will be a fun evening and a great opportunity for area golfers to play on the lighted Par 3 course at LaFortune Park. Check-in starts at 5:30 p.m., followed by a 6:00 p.m. dinner and a 7:00 p.m. tee time for the 18-hole scramble.
Mark your calendars! This will be our 10th annual barbecue cook off occurring at 7th Street between Wheeling and Utica. Twelve teams comprised of law enforcement and firefighters will duel it out to see who will be named Champion. Chicken, brisket, pork, and ribs for the teams to prepare and judging is provided by Rib Crib. Enjoy great food, beer and wine!
We invite you to grab a lawn chair, turn on the porch light, and visit with your neighbors on September 18, 2019. Tulsa Night Out is a great opportunity to enhance the relationship between neighbors and safety personal (fire and police), as well as, establish a true sense of community. It provides an opportunity to bring police, firefighters and neighbors together.